Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision

The quality of the thousands of factory and field welds present in the pressure part modules of a thermal power plant is critical for assuring long-term reliable operation.

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Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision

The quality of the thousands of factory and field welds present in the pressure part modules of a thermal power plant is critical for assuring long-term reliable operation. Once built there will still be regular instances where field repairs are required over the life of the plant.  Therefore, assuring adequate supervision of welding activities during outages is essential.  Just because the welders are “certified” does not suffice, experience shows that “on-paper” quality does not equal actual weld quality.  

Tetra delivers practical welding supervision using experienced engineers that will assure that your field repairs are a fix, and not a source of future failures.

Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision
Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision

Repair Weld Specification

When a repair is required and welding is needed to return the component into service, requirements for the heating cycle for different Grade materials can be complex and challenging.  Tetra Engineering can provide advice or review on Welding Procedure Specification (WPS), preheat, bake-out and post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) for all the common and uncommon boiler pressure part steel grades.

Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision

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Related HRSG & Boiler Inspections Services

In-Service Inspection

In-Service Inspection

The in-service boiler or HRSG inspection has the advantage of being able to be conducted at nearly any time. It encompasses the external components of and typically refers to a unit that is running (or "hot"), but can also encompass a unit that is ready to run and in standby.

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Boiler & HRSG Offline Inspections

Boiler & HRSG Offline Inspections

The offline (or cold) inspection is an essential O&M activity at any thermal power or process plant. For steam generating equipment, whether it's a small industrial package boiler or a large utility-scale supercritical coal boiler, this is especially critical since only during a shutdown can the condition of all internal components be assessed in detail.

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Borescope Inspection

Borescope Inspection

The borescope is an essential tool for inspecting of power plant components. Commonly used in high-value rotating power-plant equipment such as steam turbines, gas turbines and generators it is also extremely useful for checking the internal or to reach external surfaces of boiler and HRSG tubes and piping.

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Remote/Offsite Inspection Support

Remote/Offsite Inspection Support

In the case where travel time or logistics prevent a Tetra inspector from being present on site, inspections can be conducted remotely in collaboration with client staff

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Tuning of Control and Monitoring Systems

Tuning of Control and Monitoring Systems

Improving or rectifying the operation of process control and monitoring systems in a thermal power plant is an important activity. This can entail both in-service and outage activities, and is an important corollary to an effective inspection program.

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Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision

Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision

The quality of the thousands of factory and field welds present in the pressure part modules of a thermal power plant is critical for assuring long-term reliable operation.

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Inspection Planning & Supervision

Inspection Planning & Supervision

Tetra can provide experts to assist your staff in planning upcoming outages, as well as provide on-site supervision and surveillance to assure work quality and schedule.

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Drone Inspection

Drone Inspection

As part of the Tetra Engineering inspection services, we offer remote visual assessments of your boiler/HRSGs using quadcopter drone technology

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Advance Your Skills with Expert Training in the South of France

Advance Your Skills with Expert Training in the South of France

Discover the opportunity to enhance your expertise in power plant operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting with our exclusive training sessions in the picturesque South of France. Led by seasoned industry professionals, these sessions offer practical knowledge, real-world solutions, and invaluable networking opportunities.

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To discuss how we might assist you to improve your plant's performance or to maintain its value over time

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