Tetra Engineering has the experience and expertise that comes from having inspected virtually every type and configuration of thermal unit, operating mode and fuel type, from all the major OEMs, and as we do not offer boiler repair services or supply hardware, our advice will always be independent and objective.
Graphitization damage can occur at high temperature locations (not necessarily high stress) where metal temperatures are over 800F (425C) in carbon or carbon-molybdenum steel for long periods. The carbide phase in the steel is converted to graphite over time at the high temperature, reducing the strength and ductility of the material. It can occur in conjunction with the formation of creep voids, or without the presence of creep voids. In some instances, the result is excessive plastic deformation that results in gross bowing of tubes without failure.
Bowed tubes with graphitization damage.
If you are interested in the full version of the HRSG Inspection Planning Guide (2nd edition) contact Ms Christine Vallon at christine.vallon@tetra-eng.com.
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