
Packaged Boiler Services

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Engineering Services for Package Boiler Troubleshooting    

Tetra Engineering Group, Inc. can provide complete engineering support for procurement, operations, maintenance and troubleshooting of your package boiler in auxiliary or primary steam service.

Our capabilities include:

  • Thermal Performance Assessment and Analysis for any type of pre-heating, process or other application. Both static and dynamic analysis of steam production, temperatures, circulation flows and gas side conditions can be evaluated.
  • Steam velocities and other impacts of lower pressure options as well as use of alternative working fluids such as glycol are easily handled.
  • Pressure part integrity and failure analysis for boiler tubes, piping and drums.
  • Water Chemistry and Steam Quality Support.
  • FGR, Fan and Ducting Design, Maintenance and Troubleshooting.
  • Field Inspection of Boiler Fire-side and Water-side conditions.

Contact Tetra today if you are interested in these Package Boiler Engineering Services.

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Our goal is to protect the value of your investments and improve the performance of your assets.

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How do GT Upgrades Impact your HRSG?

How do GT Upgrades Impact your HRSG?

OEM upgrade packages to gas turbines (GT) can significantly improve performance, operational flexibility and increase outage intervals. In combined cycle power plants, the impact of these upgrades should also be considered for the HRSG where the design was based on the original GT performance.

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Thermal Plant Simulation

Thermal Plant Simulation

How a High Fidelity Thermal Plant Simulation Package Can Help Your Engineering Group Keep Your Plants at Peak Productivity?

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ASME B31.1 Covered Piping Systems' Mandatory Requirements

ASME B31.1 Covered Piping Systems' Mandatory Requirements

Since 2007, the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code has included mandatory requirements on the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Covered Piping Systems (CPS), previously called High-Energy Piping. The main concern is that the safety of these systems is very dependent on good O&M, which justifies its inclusion in the Construction Code. There is room for flexibility depending on individual circumstances but the responsibility is squarely laid on the Operating Company.

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To discuss how we might assist you to improve your plant's performance or to maintain its value over time

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