Nos services

Plus de 35 ans d'expérience dans le domaine des chaudières électriques et industrielles, des HRSG et des conduites électriques

Nous contacter
Over 35 years experience with Power and Process boilers, HRSGs and Power Piping

Services visant à améliorer la productivité des centrales électriques

Une gamme complète de services de terrain et d'ingénierie pour vos centrales de production d'électricité et de traitement de la vapeur

Inspections du HRSG et des chaudières

Une gamme complète de services d'inspection et d'assistance sur site pour déterminer l'état de vos actifs de production de vapeur.

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Services de tuyauterie électrique

Nos experts aident les clients à maintenir un fonctionnement sûr et fiable des systèmes de tuyauterie électrique en effectuant des examens approfondis et des tests sur le terrain.

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Décarbonisation et services renouvelables

Combiner l'expertise en matière de cycle de vapeur à l'évolution des technologies renouvelables, de l'hydrogène aux centrales solaires à concentration.

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Services de soutien technique

Assistance d'experts pour les litiges juridiques, les évaluations techniques par des tiers et les audits de qualité.

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Évaluations de la vie et de l'intégrité

Déterminez les causes profondes des défaillances, évaluez les performances et l'efficacité de la centrale ou aidez à planifier la maintenance pour assurer la longévité de votre actif de production.

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Progiciel de gestion de tuyauterie avancé pour le suivi de la conformité aux exigences de reporting ASME B31.1.

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Services spécialisés

Accédez à un échantillon de nos sous-services directement ci-dessous ou parcourez nos catégories ci-dessus

ASME B31.1 Covered Piping Systems (CPS) Program

ASME B31.1 Covered Piping Systems (CPS) Program

Learn how Tetra Engineering can help plant operators develop a Covered Piping Systems (CPS) Program that satisfies ASME B31.1 condition reporting requirements and how PipeVue can help store and organize large amounts of inspection data in one network-based solution.

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Covered Piping Systems (CPS) Stress Analysis

Covered Piping Systems (CPS) Stress Analysis

Analyzing stresses in as-found piping runs is at times required, particularly if the configuration has changed due to modifications or repairs since the original construction, or if there have been transient events that have affected the piping layout.

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Covered Piping Systems (CPS) Inspections

Covered Piping Systems (CPS) Inspections

At Tetra Engineering, we understand the critical importance of regular piping inspections in maintaining the safety, reliability, and efficiency of your power piping systems. Our comprehensive inspection services are designed to detect potential damage early, ensuring your plant operates smoothly and profitably.

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Life Assessments

Life Assessments

Knowing the remaining useful operating life of your boiler, HRSG and associated balance-of-plant is a key parameter for effective management of your thermal power plant.

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Optimized NDE

Optimized NDE

Risk-based inspection (RBI) is an approach for ranking the priority of inspection and maintenance according to an assessed risk to the component or system integrity. One key aspect of any RBI program is to carefully select the locations for non-destructive examination (NDE) that are most susceptible to damage, according to the component's design and past and project operating mode, while considering the resources and time available during an upcoming inspection. Using multi-disciplinary experience and tools (thermal simulation, life assessment, structural calculations….) Tetra will help you get the most out of your NDE campaigns, by providing pre-outage planning, on-site supervision and post-inspection review.

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Root Cause of Failure (RCA)

Root Cause of Failure (RCA)

Knowing the fundamental causes leading to failure is essential to mitigate the risk of the failure repeating. Tetra Engineering calls on an interdisciplinary team to assess the failure (or degradation) and determine the root cause.

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Performance & Efficiency Assessments

Performance & Efficiency Assessments

Services to help you evaluate how your operating performance has changed since the plant / boiler was commissioning, or to help you check the potential performance impact of planned modifications before they are implemented.

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Fitness for Service

Fitness for Service

A fitness for service (FFS) evaluation is a process for assessing the structural integrity and safety of components that may have experienced damage and deterioration during their service life.

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Boiler Process Modelling and Simulation

Boiler Process Modelling and Simulation

Tetra Engineering provides a full-scope service for the modelling and operation analysis of all types of natural or forced circulation Power Boiler and HRSGs, including supercritical and once-through designs. This can be integrated into a full plant model to incorporate the steam turbine and steam cycle balance of plant.

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Flow Accelerated Corrosion Assessment (FAC)

Flow Accelerated Corrosion Assessment (FAC)

Identify and prevent tube and pipe thinning caused by flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) to avoid ruptures and leaks.

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Drone Inspection

Drone Inspection

As part of the Tetra Engineering inspection services, we offer remote visual assessments of your boiler/HRSGs using quadcopter drone technology

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Tuning of Control and Monitoring Systems

Tuning of Control and Monitoring Systems

Improving or rectifying the operation of process control and monitoring systems in a thermal power plant is an important activity. This can entail both in-service and outage activities, and is an important corollary to an effective inspection program.

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Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision

Welding Repair/Refurbishment Supervision

The quality of the thousands of factory and field welds present in the pressure part modules of a thermal power plant is critical for assuring long-term reliable operation.

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Inspection Planning & Supervision

Inspection Planning & Supervision

Tetra can provide experts to assist your staff in planning upcoming outages, as well as provide on-site supervision and surveillance to assure work quality and schedule.

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Remote/Offsite Inspection Support

Remote/Offsite Inspection Support

In the case where travel time or logistics prevent a Tetra inspector from being present on site, inspections can be conducted remotely in collaboration with client staff

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Borescope Inspection

Borescope Inspection

The borescope is an essential tool for inspecting of power plant components. Commonly used in high-value rotating power-plant equipment such as steam turbines, gas turbines and generators it is also extremely useful for checking the internal or to reach external surfaces of boiler and HRSG tubes and piping.

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Boiler & HRSG Offline Inspections

Boiler & HRSG Offline Inspections

The offline (or cold) inspection is an essential O&M activity at any thermal power or process plant. For steam generating equipment, whether it's a small industrial package boiler or a large utility-scale supercritical coal boiler, this is especially critical since only during a shutdown can the condition of all internal components be assessed in detail.

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In-Service Inspection

In-Service Inspection

The in-service boiler or HRSG inspection has the advantage of being able to be conducted at nearly any time. It encompasses the external components of and typically refers to a unit that is running (or "hot"), but can also encompass a unit that is ready to run and in standby.

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Concentrated Solar Plant Services

The broad experience acquired over years of providing expert technical support to plants operating conventional and CFB radiant boilers or HRSGs is now available to operators of concentrated solar power (CSP) and hybrid steam power plants incorporating thermal energy storage (TES).

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Engineering and Feasibility Studies for Applying Hydrogen and Ammonia Fuels in Thermal Power Plants

Discover cost-effective solutions for decarbonizing power generation with hydrogen and ammonia fuels. Tetra Engineering evaluates their impact on thermal power plants, including performance and emissions.

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HRSG Pressure Parts Replacement

HRSG Pressure Parts Replacement

As your Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) advances in service life, it is advisable to assess the replacement of pressure components. This proactive evaluation aims to fortify the structural integrity of your unit, mitigate operational and maintenance costs, and extend the overall operational lifespan of the plant.

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Expert Witness Services

Expert Witness Services

Tetra Engineering provides consulting services to support clients in dealing with technical disputes involving power generation and thermal process plants, either in the project/construction phase or after commissioning when the plant is in operation.

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Design Review

Design Review

Whether assessing the likely performance of design modifications or getting a second opinion on asset specification, it is important to know that performance expectations will match reality, and that reliability will not be compromised for OEM convenience.

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Owners Engineer / Technical Project Management for Thermal Power Plants

Owners Engineer / Technical Project Management for Thermal Power Plants

The most important factor in making real-world decisions for high-value assets is the availability of unbiased advice. Tetra Engineering has a long history providing engineering advice in the Power Sector.

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Third Party Engineering

Third Party Engineering

When parties have a financial interest in the outcome, independent advice can be essential in finding the right answer among differing opinions. A third-party specialist engineer can provide an unbiased opinion and help make the right choices.

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